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Sunday, July 25, 2010
Movie of the Day: Wet Hot American Summer

Last evening, the four of us who write for this blog sat down with some friends to experience Wet Hot American Summer. I'd recommended the flick because most of the people in the room had not seen it yet, and I knew that those who were fans of David Wain's later hit, Role Models, would probably dig its comedic style.
The film takes its time to introduce the characters who reside at the early-'80s camp where all of the film's events - except for a hilarious trip to "town" - take place, and most of the crowd was a little apprehensive about the silly comedy. I recall having the same reaction initially, as Wet Hot American Summer is definitely an awkward film to get into as a first time viewer. As a comedy, the film doesn't concern itself with being realistic when dealing with its characters' actions; nor does it realistically acknowledge the concept of time as it scrunches weeks worth of events into one day. This isn't a flaw, necessarily, it's just surprising to an unsuspecting viewer.
For me, the film hits its biggest home run with the performance of Christopher Meloni as Gene - the camp cook who's still dealing with the stresses of the Vietnam War in plenty of inappropriate ways. Meloni plays the angry and disturbed character perfectly, and his subplot's climactic scene is easily the biggest laugh in the film for me. Also bringing the funny are Paul Rudd as the camp's lazy hot guy, and Ken Marino as the afro-wearing counselor who abandons a raft full of kids in the name of lust. The whole film is full of other great gags though, as star Michael Showalter and director Wain combine on a winning script.
Wet Hot American Summer had to grow on me - it's just so odd that you're not sure what it's up to at first - but it's now cemented itself as one of my favorite comedies of the early 2000s. Give it a chance, and you'll probably end up loving the can of mixed vegetables as much as I do.
On Set
Jennifer Garner and Russell Brand horsing around Friday on the set of their upcoming Film Arthur. Brand plays Arthur, a drunken playboy who stands to lose a wealthy inheritance when he falls for a woman, his family doesn't like.
Will You See Arthur In Theaters?
Optimus Crooknie
So here you are, probably bored out of your mind at work looking to be entertained. Well, look no further than this awesome piece of literary/scholarly genius. If you were to combine a chocolate chip cookie and a brownie into one delicious treat (probably named a crooknie or a crownie), it would be like pretty effin awesome. Well, that is what this blog is all about, combining all that is awesome into one place of pimpage. Optimus Prime and Prejudice may very well blow your mind…like not a standard mind “blow” but like one of those mind blows created when Optimus Prime rises from the ashes to smoke some Decepticon scrubs.
Now, onto the topic at hand. The H-Bomb felt it necessary to post some shenanigans with this Mr. Darcy picture. For those of us with wieners, we know that is bull s#!t. Optimus Prime has a gun the size of Mr. Darcy. All Mr. Darcy does is talk in a British accent and say words like immensely and unequivocally yes. Optimus Prime doesn’t hide behind fancy accented rhetoric, he transforms from a huge balls on semi into a robot that head shots douchepticons like Lee Harvey Oswald. OOOOOOOhhhhh, look at Mr. Darcy’s fancy trench coat and suavish 18th century hair. Once again…OPTIMUS PRIME = HUGE EFFIN ROBOT OF JUSTICE. Mr. Darcy = questionable teeth arrangement while being guided by a scheduled tea time. The only thing to make Pride and Prejudice better is Optimus Prime (or zombies). The only thing to make transformers worse is Mr. Darcy.
Quote of the Day

If Harry Potter's so magical, why cant he cure his own eyesight and get laid. A teenage lad shouldn't need a broomstick to cling onto.
-Frankie Boyle
For the ladies......
Greatest thing ever filmed in Iowa: RV Man
Yes! The famous Jack Rebney! And what does the angriest person on the planet have to do with Iowa? Well the famous video was filmed here in Forest City, a smaller town in the grand state that grows corn and not potatoes. I realized most of you are part of the 20+ million fabulous people that have seen this....but what the can always watch it again! So would you do me a kindness and watch the video?
Let's face it, nothing really awesome happens in Iowa. We can say that Field of Dreams was filmed here, but almost 3o years after the movie, even we are tired of searching for Moonlight Graham and building it. "He" never comes. What has lasted you ask? Mother effin' WINNEBAGO MAN. With his new documentary out, Jack Rebney deserves two giant thumbs up for filming the greatest viral internet video of all time. If it weren't for the creators of the Winnebago promotional video hating "the angriest man in the world", we would have never have been introduced to this legend of a human being...and Iowa would be a blip on the entertainment map.
So here's to you Iowa...for pissing people off with High temperatures, flies, and large sized motor homes.
By the way, Iowans, Winnebago Man opens at the Varsity Theater in Des Moines on August 6th!

Welcome to (Optimus) Prime and Prejudice!
The purpose of our site (OPP, for short!) is pretty simple. We are four friends who - in our own ways - love movies, TV, horror flicks, sports, video games, music, pop culture, Iowa State University (our alma mater), funny You Tube videos, and generally awesome things (plus, The H-Bomb loves Jane Austen movies and Narcosleepy loves Transformers....hence the title). The point is, we want to share that stuff with you.
Check out our staff bios on the side bar, and sign up to follow OPP for a slew of fun posts from our very different yet entirely stupendous minds. Oh, and leave us comments too. Though most of us are new to this blogging thing, we're here to party!
Cool beans?